Dear Women,
Diversity has become a buzzword, no doubt. A trend, even. But this shallow, half-assed packaging of the term is a misnomer.
It suggests that diversity is not necessary, but rather, an accessory. Something cool and colorful to fluff up the image of your business, not a prerequisite. And not just any accessory, something of the likes of Prada: a status symbol.
How best to show that your company is in good financial and moral health, in the current cancel-climate? Pour money into virtue-signalling diversity workshops and hire a team to oversee any wokeness-related crimes.
The truth is that all the virtue-signalling in the world won’t close the diversity gap.
The diversity gap is smarter than that – and still undeniably present, even in 2023. Taken from the wise words of the World Economic Forum, it will take another 132 years to close the global gender gap in business¹.
Tell me one good reason why we should have to wait for our grandchildren’s grandchildren to go through puberty, to enjoy equal opportunity?
Let’s be clear, aside from the moral case for diversity, there is a statistically robust economic case – that might just convince you to harness diversity to your business’ competitive advantage.
Inclusive companies are nearly twice as likely to be considered “innovation leaders” in their market² and those with more women in senior positions, boast higher financial returns³. In fact, diverse teams focus more on facts and process these facts more carefully⁴.
By calling quits on workplace homogeneity, we gain increased awareness of their own potential biases — deep-rooted ways of thinking that can blind us to key information and trip us up when making important decisions.
So diversity is a pie with a slice of benefit for everyone.
It’s no longer a plaster to make some people feel better about themselves. It’s a revolution that’s just getting started. But don’t throw a party just yet – we have another 132 years to twiddle our thumbs. Or not.
The solution? Radical Responsibility.
Radical Responsibility
Expecting everyone else to do the work is part of the problem. If we, as women, remain passive, we are adding fuel to the fire – or, the notion that we are damsels in diversity distress.
Radical Responsibility is all about taking ownership of the circumstances you find yourself in. It’s about stopping the shame game. It’s easy to list statistics and spiral into self-pity, self-victimization, and ultimately, stagnation.
The real question is, where do we go from here? Without shame, blame, or quiet support.
Shame reinforces the behavior you seek to change.
Blame justifies your actions.
Quiet support eerily echoes your fear of ridicule or judgment.
This may be hard to hear, I get it. I am a woman in business: of course, I get it.
You are angry, frustrated, and tired of fighting.
You feel disrespected, not heard, and not seen.
You don’t know how to fix it or it feels far beyond your capacity.
In a male-dominated financial world, it is far too easy to lose sight of our own power, as women. Committing to radical responsibility reminds us of it.
Unconscious bias is not only a Men’s predicament. In Women, it shows up as self-victimization, blaming others, and ego. In other words: shame is unconscious bias. Shame is ego.
Women want money and they believe that Men have it. Men believe they have the money and don't want to lose it. Strip it a few layers back, and it becomes clear that it’s not about the money. It never was.
It’s the freedom, the purpose, and the natural need for fairness in an unfair world.
Right now, neither one is getting what they want. But this makes no sense, as there are really good Men and really good Women in this world, who want to do really good shit.
When you shift to an inclusive, collective business approach, you’re on the fast lane to success. You empower a freakin’ unicorn. Yes, a unicorn.
Is this about shaming others or about getting what you want?
The choice is yours. And if you want what you really want, let’s talk.
So... How Do You Make This Choice?
It begins with changing recurring ruminations – that little voice in your head – and where you direct your attention. Identifying instances of unconscious bias even within your own thought patterns – and no, let’s not revert back to shame.
We all live in a society that at the core of it, needs to take some leaps and bounds of faith before it reaches the Garden of Eden, that is gender equality. Don’t be ashamed of being the product of this society.
Get curious.
Do get curious. Question your decisions and your thoughts – especially those thoughts that are self-limiting. Get radical. Where did they come from? How can you defuse them at their genesis?
We can help you answer these questions and take the first step to success.
The Global Collective’s vision is bold and disruptive. And, we’re raising!
We are a mission-driven service and technology marketplace, busy every day with shifting business paradigms, processes and systems.
We work with those who want to make a change and are ready to invest in an ecosystem that will expedite that change.
Are you in or out?
³Sommers, S. R. (2006). On racial diversity and group decision making: Identifying multiple effects of racial composition on jury deliberations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90(4), 597–612.
⁴Christiansen et al. (2016) Gender Diversity in Senior Positions and Firm Performance: Evidence from Europe.